Application FAQs
I am interested in applying, where can I get an application?
You can click here to apply for one of our rental properties/units.
Are there any fees related to applying for rentals?
Yes, there is a non-refundable screening fee. Please see our application page for more details and requirements. We will not process your application(s) until we receive the screening fee.
How much is the security deposit?
The security deposit is usually equal to one month's rent. This could vary, depending on the property owner's request and the results of your application. The security deposit is that and only that, the security deposit. It cannot be used as your last month's rent.
How much do I need to pay to move in?
This depends on your application results. Generally, you'll only be required to pay the security deposit equal to one month's rent and the first month's rent upon move in. There are cases in which we will require an additional security deposit, last month's rent, or both. You will be notified of the requirements once we received your application results from the screening company.
Why do so many rentals say "No Pets"?
It is usually because the property owners have had bad experiences allowing pets in the past. Also, depending on the type of pets, the homeowner's insurance may not allow them.
If a property owner will consider pets, it will be stated in the listing. However, there will be an additional deposit and/or fee as well as the required security deposit. All pet approvals are up to the owner of the proposed property.
If you need to live with your service animal due to your disability, please contact us and request a reasonable accommodation. Upon proper verification of your disability and the need for you to have a service animal, per Fair Housing laws, the no policy may be waived. You will not need to provide specific details about your disability.
How long before I know if my rental application has been approved?
We usually receive the completed screening report within 48-72 hours of submitting your application to screening company. Please be sure to complete all the requested information on the application.
Once the completed report has been received, the results are then compared to our scoring policy and then discussed with the Landlord. You will be contacted once a decision has been reached. While we do try to make a decision as quickly as possible, the process may be delayed if you do not provide complete information and/or we are unable to reach the Landlord.
When can I move in?
The actual date will depend on the condition of the property. Before you can move in:
Any final touchups, cleaning, finishing repairs, etc., needs to be completed.
Lease paperwork needs to be signed
Rent needs to be received.
We need to conduct a move in walk-thru
After, and only after, these steps have been completed can you start to move in. You cannot store any belongings in a garage or other out building until then.
What's a move in walk-thru?
A move in walk-thru, is an inspection we conduct prior to tenants moving in. They are conducted to protect tenants from incurring costs from any damage that was present prior to their move in and to protect the homeowner in the event that there is new damage after the tenants move out. When tenants move out, a move out walk-thru is conducted for the same reasons and will be compared with the move in walk-thru.