Tenant FAQs
When is rent due?
Rent is due on the 1st day of each month. We do provide you with a grace period through the 6th of each month.
If I can't pay rent on time, what are the late fees?
If rent is not received in our office on or before the 6th day of each month, you will be assessed a late fee. If a
"14-day" notice has been prepared, there will also be a notice fee assessed. Both fees will be outlined in your lease agreement. There may be some tenants who have a different fee schedule based on when their lease agreement was signed. Refer to your lease agreement to view the fees you will be responsible for.
What should I do if I need repairs done to my rental home?
If you need repairs done to your home, you should report the request to the office. You may also submit a maintenance request at our website under the "contact us" tab. Please be sure to provide as much detail as possible. If the repair is posing a serious threat or habitability issue, urgency should be emphasized when communicating with us.
Do I need to get renters' insurance?
Renter's insurance is inexpensive and effective protection for your belongings. Renter's insurance can protect your household goods and assets in the event of theft or natural disaster. In general, no insurance policy of the landlord will cover the tenant's belongings. Your lease will require that you obtain renter’s insurance with a minimum of $100,000 in liability coverage and include Impact Property Management as having additional interest, which should be at no additional cost. Having Impact listed as additional interest, Impact will be informed of any renewals or other changes made to your policy. It does not provide coverage on your policy for Impact. Please contact us if you need the contact for some insurance companies.
Are tenants entitled to a notice before their rent is increased?
Yes. We will provide you with a minimum of 60 days written notice prior to changing your monthly rental amount. Rents can be increased with 60 days notice prior to the end of a month to month or term lease expiration date.
How long after moving out will I receive my security deposit refund?
Washington Landlord Tenant law provides a landlord with a 30-day period after move out before they are required to return a security deposit. However, at the end of the 30-day period, the landlord is required to provide you with an accounting of your full security deposit. The landlord has an obligation to provide you with a list of expenses for repairs, receipts for work done, and a check for the remaining deposit if applicable.
What can be charged against my security deposit?
Tenants are required to return the unit to the same level of cleanliness, and the same condition, as it was at the beginning of the tenancy in order to have their Security Deposit returned. The most effective way to prove this is to keep a photo record of the condition of the unit after moving in, and how the unit was left after cleaning. The security deposit can also be used to:
Cover default rent payments.
Repair damages caused by the tenant.
Clean the premises, if necessary.
Pay for tenant's failure to restore/replace personal property.
Re-key door locks
Close out any utility accounts
Any other items necessary to return the premises to the condition at move-in excluding normal wear and tear
Please refer to your rental agreement to see the terms for having any applicable deposit(s) refunded.
How much notice is a tenant required to give before moving out?
You are required to give written notice of terminating your tenancy a minimum of 20 days before the end of the month in which you will be vacating. (For example, if you will be moving out at the end of August, you must provide us with written on or before August 11th. If you're moving at the end of April, we must receive notice on April 10th at the latest.) Please pay close attention if you will be moving at the end of February, as this is a shorter than normal month. Written notice must be received by us on or before February 8th. If it is a leap year, you have until February 9th. You are still required to pay rent after giving or receiving a notice.
What do I need to clean when I move out?
As a general rule, clean everything. This includes floors, windows, window tracks, window coverings, appliances, sinks, toilets, showers, bathtubs, etc. Don't forget to clean behind the fridge and under the stove. These are the areas that tenants forget most frequently. To avoid any charges against your security deposit, be sure to leave the house as clean as when you moved in. A list of suggested items to clean is posted here. This list serves as reference only. You could still be charged for cleaning/damages to items not stated on the list. If the home is heated with either an electric or gas furnace, the filter(s) must be replaced. You will be charged if there are not clean filters in the furnace.